Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Tell me that I'm such an impatient person but I can be dead waiting for the whole week while I have the other interesting news waiting for me.

Geez... Teach me how to wait!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Amanjiwo's 11th Anniversary

Amanjiwo just had its 11th Anniversary yesterday. And I tell you what... it was...

F A N T A S T I C!!!

I mean, we didn't have a kind of common-boring-ceremonial . In fact, we did a carnival consisted of Dept. Heads, staff, gamelan players, Jathilan, Ndayakan, and rebana players.

We marched around Amanjiwo, prayed in the Cemetery, and took holy water from the spring. Afetr that, there were performances from the Ndayakan and Jathilan. For you who don't have any idea about what Ndayakan and Jathilan is, I will post the picturers later since I haven't moved them from my camera.

Can't wait for the other event!

Updated: You can see some of the pictures here

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Weekend

Yeah... I know it's a bit too late to post all things about my last weekend. But I don't give a d*mn since this is my own blog so it's up to me when to post something here, rite? Hehehehehe

Last week, Papah, Mamah and Chisa, my lovely little princess came here. Fortunately, My boyfriend aka si Mas was able to spend his holidays here in Jogja too. We all work in different cities and it's a bit difficult to match our time to be together. That's why I was so excited. So excited that I almost forgot to work well hehehehe...

On October 9, Mamah had her 50th birthday and Papah and I planned a little surprised for her. I took my leave on that day but I didn't tell her about that. One night before, I reserved a birthday cake from Parsley on Jl. Kaliurang and asked them to write a small note on the cake with chocolate. I just reserved a Black Forest since it was the only available cake on that night.

In the morning, Papah and I pretended that he went out to drop me into Ringroad where my shuttle car picks me up everyday. However, we actually went to Parsley to pick up the birthday cake for Mamah. BTW, the service from Parsley was really nice , the waitress even replaced the note on the cake with the new one since it wasn't really nice for me. Besides, they gave me complimentary number-shaped candles to be put on the cake. After picking it up, we went to Pasar Colombo trying to find ballons for Mamah. Unfortunately, there was no ballons vendor . We directly went home. On the T-junction before my housing complex, we parted. Papah went to the usual way of going home while I went to another end to divert Mamah's attention. The funny thing is that while I was hiding near my neighbor's fence, their barked at me and it almost made me jump and throw the cake for I was very surprised). Then, I put the candles on the cake and lighted them up. Papah couldn't help himself of being patient. He kept asking me to be quick. He wanted to show the cake to Mamah as soon as we can. Then, when Mamah wanted to take a bath, Papah called her and I showed up with the birthday cake and sang "Happy Birthday" song for her. The funny thing is that Chisa is the one who was very suprised by the cake that she didn't want to sing, went to the bedroom, and told us that she wanted to sleep again .

The day after, si Mas arrived. I picked him up from the Tugu station. My family planned to go to Telaga Sarangan to celebrate Mamah's birthday. It seems common but for us it's great since it's seldom for us to be together this day.

In the afternoon, we went directly though we didn't have any map of Telaga Sarangan. Yeah, we also did this when we went to Dieng. I thought that we could ask somebody in the street for the direction. Call us the explorers hehehehehe .

Nah... since we didn't know where Telaga Sarangan is, we just went to the usual directions. The trip was like Jogja-Klaten-Solo-Sragen-Ngawi-Madiun-Telaga Sarangan. It took us about 5 hours!!!

Fortunately, Papah works in PLN that he managed to call his friend there and asked whether there is a Villa of PLN in Telaga Sarangan. And there is!!! It is a big, clean, and well treated house fulfilled with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,a family room, and hot-water, the most important thing in a chilly place like that .

You can google Telaga Sarangan if you want to know more about this place. Actually, it's only like a highland with a telaga. Yeah, we can compare it like puncak but less crowded. There are some speedboats and swan-water-cycles (I don't have any idea of what we call Sepeda air bebek-bebekan in English ). Besides, there are lots of rentable horses for you to ride along the telaga side. The cost to rent the speedboats with 25pk machine is Rp 40k for one round in the telaga and for one-4-km-ride along the telaga side with a horse, the cost is Rp 40k. They are all reasonable since it was a very long trip on a horse back. For the typical food, it was quite nice and tasty. But it was a little bit too sweet for me who likes salty food.

being tehre for only one night and one day (yeah, we arrived at night there), we learnt that actually it is better to come there through Tawangmangu. It is faaaaaarrrrrrrr shorter than if we come through Madiun. We can cut about 2 hours trip . The way through Tawangmangu was a bit stiff but the scenery was AMAZING!!! It was breathtaking.

We took a rest for about 15 minutes in Tawangmangu. I managed to see the Waterfall (Grojokan Sewu Waterfall) but si Mas told me that we had to step down for about 1000 stpes before we could see the waterfall . Hell yeah, I won't do that for a kind of waterfall. It's just waterfall, rite!

Then, we decided to go directly to Solo. Again, we didn't know where to go. We just followed the direction (please send my gratitude to those who made the green-street-direction) and we arrived at Solo at about 10.30 am. We went to Orion Bakery to buy some food for Papah. It was really HOT in Solo. I don't know whether it is the typical temperature of Solo or just because of the climate change.

It took us about two hours to find the way to Solo Square since si Mas would like to visit his boss who had just moved to a branch office there. We went around the city trying to find the way is. And finally, at about 1pm, we could find it. Overall, Solo Square for me was not quite attractive. I prefer Amplaz to it. The food was also so-so. We spent about 2.5 hours waiting for Pipit (si Mas' little sister) to arrive at Solo. She didn't come with us in Telaga since she had to work.

We picked her up at Purwosari Station. And managed to spend the rest of our time swimming at Pandawa Waterpark (the new waterpark at Solo Baru). But, the entrance ticket was too expensive for we had to pay Rp 100K per person. Then, we decided to go home directly.

We stopped by at Sendang Sari restaurant (if I'm not mistaken) in Kalasan to eat. And, this restaurant completed the whole package of our holiday for the place was nice and the prices were reasonable.

Geez, I could hardly wait for our next trip. Mamah has already planned to go to Owabong for our next holiday... Yea... yea... yea...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


When words don't seem to be enough to express what I'm feeling right now...

I can only cry

Monday, October 06, 2008

Weekend Termehek-mehek

Weekend kemaren dilalui dengan kegiatan rutin seperti biasa... Ke gereja, nyuci baju, bersih-bersih dan bersih-bersih... I am a neat-freak! Oh yeah!!!

Yang seru tuh sore minggunya. Kalo minggu sore itu biasanya acara TV lumayan bagus (untuk Q lo ya). Ada Jika Aku Menjadi trs ada Termehek-mehek. Nah yang seru tuh di sini biasanya. Walopun Q juga ga tau ya, apakah reality show ini termasuk yang dibuat-buat untuk menaikkan ratingnya tapi Q suka ajha dengan endingnya yang kadang sangat tidak terduga.

Dulu tuh pernah ada cewek yang nyari pacarnya (cowok), pada akhirnya cowoknya ternyata pacaran sama cowok (!) lain. Terus ada seorang suami yang mencari istrinya yang sekitar 3 bulanan lari dari rumah karena suaminya itu ternyata suka main pukul. Eh ketemu istrinya sama om om. Ada juga seorang anak yang nyari ibunya, ternyata ketahuan kalo ibunya itu ternyata seorang PSK. Endingnya tapi bagus dimana akhirnya ibunya tobat dan berhenti dari pekerjaannya.

Kalo menurut Q, sepanjang sejarahnya Termehek-mehek (kenapa sih judulnya begini ya...), cerita minggu kemarenlah yang paling shocking.

Jadi awalnya ada seorang cowok yang lumayan cakep trs sepertinya kaya, mencari ceweknya yang selama tiga bulanan ini menghilang gada kabarnya. Dicari ke rumah orangtuanya (yang alamatnya diketahui karena cowoknya dulu sempet ngintip KTP ceweknya), ke kos sampe ke kantornya ternyata cewek itu memang menghilang entah kemana. Tapi anehnya ada OB yang begitu tau kalo mereka nyari cewek ini, dia nyeletuk, wah kalo Mbak ini sih sekarang sudah enak, sudah kaya. Begitu mau nanya lagi, mas OB ini menghindar.

Untungnya waktu dicari ke kosannya, ada tagihan kartu kredit atas nama ceweknya yang dikirim ke alamat kosnya. Dibukalah itu tagihan sama cowoknya. Ternyata itu cewek, sebut ajha si A, sering dateng ke satu salon. Didatengilah itu salon sama tim Termehek-mehek ini. Dari situ dapet info kalo si A ini minggu kemaren baru manggil salah satu pegawai salon itu untuk luluran di rumah temen ceweknya, sebut saja si D. Begitu dapet alamatnya si D, timnya segera meluncur ke sana.

Sesampenya di rumahnya si D, mereka pun mencoba bertanya pada si pembantu ibu-ibu yang kebetulan bukain pagarnya. Mereka tanya apakah ini rumah temennya si A, si ibu pun menjawab iya ini rumah Mbak D, temennya Mbak A. Ditanya apa Mbak A nya ada di situ, ibu ini jawab iya ada. Terus minta tolongnya itu si host acaranya sama ibu itu untuk manggilin si A.

Eh yang keluar malah si D sambil bilang kalo si A gada di situ. Tapi tim si host acara ngotot kalo ibu tadi bilangnya si A ada di situ. Yang ada akhirnya ibu itu dimarah2in sama si D dan si D pun mengusir tim Termehek-mehek dari rumahnya.

Tapi mereka memutuskan untuk menunggu dikejauhan sambil tetep berharap kalo si A akan keluar dari situ. Eh, ternyata bener lo. Si A keluar dari rmah si D, cipika cipiki, terus masuk ke sebuah sedan Mercy silver mewah.

Diikutilah sedan ini sama tim Termehek-mehek. Sampai akhirnya si A keluar mobilnya mau masuk rumah, ketemuan sama seorang bapak-bapak yang juga baru sampe situ, cipika cipiki terus masuk rumah. Sampe sini, cowok yang jadi client Termehek-mehek ini pun langsung lari ngejar dan teriak2 manggil nama cewek itu.

Dia brusaha buka pagar trs teriak2 manggil nama si A. si A itu pun keluar. Sambil juga marah2 nyalahin cowok itu untuk nutupin kesalahan dia sendiri. Si Bapak2 yang tadi cipika cipiki sama si A itu diam ajha di dalam rumah. Dan triaklah si cowok ini biar Bapak itu keluar. Dan sodara-sodara pembaca yang budiman (ceile bahasanya...) ternyata si Bapak itu adalah...

Bapaknya si cowok!!!

Gila ga tuh! Ternyata si A itu menghilang dan sekarang telah menjadi kaya karena menjadi cewek simpanan Bapak si cowok yang notabene adalah cowoknya sendiri! Miris!!!

Dah gitu endingnya, si Bapak nyuruh anaknya pergi dan bilang akan menyelesaikannya di rumah sementara dia sendiri ngerangkul si A dan ngajak si A untuk masuk rumah. Sedangkan dia biarin ajha anaknya pergi sendiri!!!


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Blessed Me

How blessed I am of having such a great (previous) boss like him. May God bless you in all your way, Pak...

Thank you very much for all

Cahaya Baru

Semua kepastian ini datang di saat cahaya harapanku sudah mulai meredup bahkan hampir padam.

Tapi di saat ini juga aku mendapat sumber-sumber cahaya baru yang terlihat menyilaukan bagiku.

Tuhan berikan petunjuk-Mu bagiku. Cahaya mana yang harus ku pilih untuk menerangi jalan kehidupan di masa depanku nanti? Agar tidak ada penyesalan dikemudian hari...

Wish me luck!

Friday, October 03, 2008

How I Spent My Lebaran Holiday in Jogja

This is how I spent my Lebaran holiday alone in Jogja...

  • Sept 30, 2008

>>>sekitar jam 21.00 WIB

Ngirim sms ke semua teman2 yg merayakan Lebaran, ngucapin happy ied-ul fitr...mohon maaf lahir dan batin...

>>>sekitar jam 22.00 WIB

Agak2 fly ngantuk setengah sadar habis di telp si Mas... lanjut bobo depan TV...

  • Oct 1, 2008

>>>Jam 06.40 WIB

Bangun tidur ku terus beberes rumah... Langsung ngelepasin korden2 tipis putih di semua jendela rumah yang berjumlah skitar 8 jendela, trs masukkin mesin cuci, giling. Trs masak nasi sebentar secara ga bakal ada yg jualan makanan pagi2 gini. Sambil nunggu mesin cuci selesai, mulai beresin koran2 dan majalah2 di bawah rak TV ruang keluarga sm di kamar belakang. Taruh semua tumpukan koran dan majalah bekas di teras depan rumah. Terus lanjut dengan bersihin rak rias di kamar. Sambil sweeping alat2 make up yg dah ga dipake.

>>>Sekitar jam 09.30 WIB

Duh...kok laper ya? Makan dulu deh... Untung dah masak nasi... Goreng bebek Pak Komar yg dibawain sama Abangnya si Mas...trs makan deh tuh sambil nonton TV. Trs telp2 3G sama Papah, Mamah di rumah sana. Senengnya bisa ngeliat mereka walopun jauh tapi berasa deket. Terimakasih ya Telkomsel yg udah menyediakan fasilitas 3G bagi keluarga kami. Te O Pe Be Ge Te eS Ka eL deh pokoknya...

Tapi berasa tetep sedih habis ga bisa kumpul bareng2...

>>>Sekitar jam 10.00 WIB

Cuciannya selesai tuh. Jemur-jemur depan rumah. Beres

Dilanjut bersihin rak riasnya yg belum selesai.

>>>Sekitar jam 11.00 WIB

Dah beres semua job list-nya. Mandi keramas secara peliket banget badannya. Trs dikasih creambath, dibilas bersih. Trs dikasih hair tonic... eh kok gada kerjaan lagi ya... ngapain? Nge-curl rambut ajha ah pake curling iron. Kebetulan nemu di atas lemari... Eh kok bagus...

>>>Sekitar jam 13.30 WIB

jatuh tertidur di atas kursi tamu menghadap TV.

>>>Jam 15.30 WIB

Bangun kelaperan. Yaudah siap2 pergi mo jalan2 ke Gale. Sekalian cuci mata, bosen di rumah.

>>>Jam 16.00 WIB

Berangkat ke Gale. Alamak itu jalan2 semua pada seeeeeeeppppppiiiiiiii buanget. Sumpe deh perasaan Jogja mana pernah sesepi itu kalo hari2 biasa. Sampe malam pun seringnya msih rame. Tapi berhubung Lebaran jadinya sepi deh.

Pulangnya iseng mampir Superindo Jakal. Eh ternyata lumayan rame lo. Mendinglah berasa ada temennya hehehehe...Beli2 sayur untuk besok. Habis bosen juga makan gada sayurnya..

>>>Jam 19.30 WIB

Sampe rumah trs nonton TV kok gada yg bagus acaranya. Diputuskan untuk masak sop ajha sekalian. Siap2 bahan2 dan bumbunya di depan TV ajha biar enak.

>>>Jam 21.00 WIB

Beres semua... Tinggal capenya ajha. Ternyata ada film lucu diputer di SCTV, jdulnya Kawin Kontrak gitu deh. Nontonlah sampe selesai, mumpung besok masih libur.

>>>Jam 23.00 WIB

Masuk kamar trs bobo setelah sebelumnya cuci muka, kaki, dan sikat gigi.

  • Oct 2, 2008

>>>Jam 06.30 WIB

Bangun tidur trs langsung ngelepasin korden2 coklat di jendela. Ternyata gede2 dan berat banget. Akhirnya yang masuk mesin cuci cuma 4 biji. Masak nasi lagi...

Sambil nunggu cucian, beresin rak2 Chisa sama atas lemari. Ya ampun Tuhanku... itu debu2 buanyak buanget!

>>>Jam 08.00 WIB

Manasin sop, trs makan pake ikan asin goreng. Nyaaaammm...

>>>Jam 09.30 WIB

Cucian beres, bersih2 rak dan lemari beres juga. Jemur2 dulu...trs juga jemur semua bantal dan guling, juga boneka.

Ternyata ada tasnya si Mas yg masih bagus tapi berdebu banget. Kalo nunda besok2 belum tentu bisa kecuci. Jadi diputuskan sendiri untuk dicuci saat itu juga. Tapi kalo cuma nyuci itu ajha kok ya nanggung. Ya sekalian deh nyuci sisa korden coklat yg lainnya.

>>>Jam 12.00 WIB

Cucian part 2 selesai. Jemur2 sambil ngambilin jemuran part 1. Ngepel rumah juga selesai. Mandi deh trs keramas lagi secara berdebu banget badan dan rambutnya.

Eh kok pengen nge-curl lagi. Ayo deh tuh di curl lagi rambutnya. Habis itu makan sop ajha. Trs nonton TV bentar.

>>>Jam 13.30 WIB

Ngantuk lagi trs bobo deh depan TV.

>>>Jam 16.00 WIB

Bangun2 kok laper ya...siap2 untuk berburu makanan. Kebetulan pengen nasi goreng ni...

>>>Jam 17.15 WIB

yang langganan jual nasi goreng gada yg buka. Mo coba2 tempat yg lain takut ga enak. Jadinya makan bakso Pak Narto ajha di Anggajaya deket rumah. Itupun yg ada cuma bakso. Mie ayamnya blm jualan. Sampe rumah trs nyiram2 tanaman.

>>>Jam 22.00 WIB


Ya begitulah cara killing time when you are having your holiday but being far away from your family.

Happy Ied-Ul Fitr everybody!